12:02 PM
April 20, 2008 Hot Trends
Medical Tourism Trends
Sat, 19 Apr 2008 10:59:58 PDT
Here is an informative site about medical tourism. More and more people are finding that going to a foreign country for cosmetic surgery, dental work, and so on is a practical and viable solution. Save thousands of dollars on medical treatments and vacation in a great location at the same time. Really worth checking into.
GM CEO Optimistic on Strikes/Delphi
Sun, 20 Apr 2008 08:04:06 PDT
"We've just got to get behind the doors and get these things resolved, which I'm sure we can do." So what is Rick Wagoner waiting for? God knows. But not Automotive News, which is happy to report (without further questioning) GM's Beancounter-in-Chief's belief that his back room boys can resolve the ongoing strike at American Axle, currently idling some 30 GM manufacturing facliities. And the United Auto Workers (UAW) strike over two-tier wages at GM's Delta Township factory. And, while they're
Reuters World News Highlights at 1400 GMT, Apr 20 - Guardian
ethority Study - Travel Trends 2008 Part I
Sat, 19 Apr 2008 14:21:54 PDT
ethority evaluated the main travel trends for 2008 on Social Media
Bangla.com News and Sports- Bangladeshi Community's
Sun, 20 Apr 2008 00:16:36 PDT
Want to know Bangladesh and the great culture of Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi Language, Bengali Newspapers and Bangladeshi Government information. Bangladesh Travel and Tourism, Bangladeshi Blog, Bangladeshi World Community and News and Views of Bangladeshi Communities Worldwide. Excellent site and Providing powerful Google.com email - Thumbs Up!
Digital Trends Week In Review 04/18/08 (DesignTechnica)
Fri, 18 Apr 2008 06:28:44 PDT
Here are the top news stories and articles featured on Digital Trends for the week of April 18th.
World's News Headlines Still Reeling with Doom and Gloom, but Economic and Business News Strongly Upbeat, New Metric Finds
Thu, 03 Jan 2008 00:00:01 PST
Although news organizations around the world worked to bring their audiences a good mix of stories and feature articles, on balance, the news for the first day of 2008 featured more negative stories...
The crunch trend continues - Arabcrunch?
Fri, 18 Apr 2008 18:42:12 PDT
After yesterday’s conversation of the name ‘IslamCrunch’, we discovered a new blog that is about to launch called Arabcrunch. We will let you decide if the Arabcrunch blog reminds you of another well-known blog:
Jobs in India for expats-a raincheck
Sat, 19 Apr 2008 23:06:38 PDT
Oh yes, last week, a pal of mine Ishani -had reached out to me to check if I had anything to a story she was doing on expats in India! Well, specifically, she sought 1. Are there any numbers available on the people coming to India on employment visas and business visas? Has there been a huge increase in these numbers? If so, which are the sectors that are seeing the largest number of expats coming to work in India? 2. In terms of getting visas processed, do any sectors or people from any part
Of Economic Woes, Fears, And Hunger
Sat, 19 Apr 2008 14:49:51 PDT
In catching up on economic news this week, I've noticed a trend toward real world reports. It's as though a few in the media have awakened to the fact that a large segment of our population is struggling to just get by -- which for regular folks isn't exactly news, but it's a welcome change from the usual indifference.
Targeting the baby boomer generation
Sun, 20 Apr 2008 03:22:12 PDT
I've written about all sorts of interesting things on this blog, but never before have I written about something like this. In fact, I didn't even know they existed, but apparently a bath lift like this is in great with aging Baby Boomers. From a retail standpoint, all products and services targeted at this age group of consumers, especially things that make their life more comfortable, are sure
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Sat, 19 Apr 2008 10:59:58 PDT
Here is an informative site about medical tourism. More and more people are finding that going to a foreign country for cosmetic surgery, dental work, and so on is a practical and viable solution. Save thousands of dollars on medical treatments and vacation in a great location at the same time. Really worth checking into.
GM CEO Optimistic on Strikes/Delphi
Sun, 20 Apr 2008 08:04:06 PDT
"We've just got to get behind the doors and get these things resolved, which I'm sure we can do." So what is Rick Wagoner waiting for? God knows. But not Automotive News, which is happy to report (without further questioning) GM's Beancounter-in-Chief's belief that his back room boys can resolve the ongoing strike at American Axle, currently idling some 30 GM manufacturing facliities. And the United Auto Workers (UAW) strike over two-tier wages at GM's Delta Township factory. And, while they're
Reuters World News Highlights at 1400 GMT, Apr 20 - Guardian
Reuters World News Highlights at 1400 GMT, Apr 20 Guardian, UK - 1 hour ago BAGHDAD - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice flew to Baghdad on Sunday to strengthen the Iraqi government's efforts to isolate Shi'ite cleric Moqtada ... |
ethority Study - Travel Trends 2008 Part I
Sat, 19 Apr 2008 14:21:54 PDT
ethority evaluated the main travel trends for 2008 on Social Media
Bangla.com News and Sports- Bangladeshi Community's
Sun, 20 Apr 2008 00:16:36 PDT
Want to know Bangladesh and the great culture of Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi Language, Bengali Newspapers and Bangladeshi Government information. Bangladesh Travel and Tourism, Bangladeshi Blog, Bangladeshi World Community and News and Views of Bangladeshi Communities Worldwide. Excellent site and Providing powerful Google.com email - Thumbs Up!
Digital Trends Week In Review 04/18/08 (DesignTechnica)
Fri, 18 Apr 2008 06:28:44 PDT
Here are the top news stories and articles featured on Digital Trends for the week of April 18th.
World's News Headlines Still Reeling with Doom and Gloom, but Economic and Business News Strongly Upbeat, New Metric Finds
Thu, 03 Jan 2008 00:00:01 PST
Although news organizations around the world worked to bring their audiences a good mix of stories and feature articles, on balance, the news for the first day of 2008 featured more negative stories...
The crunch trend continues - Arabcrunch?
Fri, 18 Apr 2008 18:42:12 PDT
After yesterday’s conversation of the name ‘IslamCrunch’, we discovered a new blog that is about to launch called Arabcrunch. We will let you decide if the Arabcrunch blog reminds you of another well-known blog:
Jobs in India for expats-a raincheck
Sat, 19 Apr 2008 23:06:38 PDT
Oh yes, last week, a pal of mine Ishani -had reached out to me to check if I had anything to a story she was doing on expats in India! Well, specifically, she sought 1. Are there any numbers available on the people coming to India on employment visas and business visas? Has there been a huge increase in these numbers? If so, which are the sectors that are seeing the largest number of expats coming to work in India? 2. In terms of getting visas processed, do any sectors or people from any part
Of Economic Woes, Fears, And Hunger
Sat, 19 Apr 2008 14:49:51 PDT
In catching up on economic news this week, I've noticed a trend toward real world reports. It's as though a few in the media have awakened to the fact that a large segment of our population is struggling to just get by -- which for regular folks isn't exactly news, but it's a welcome change from the usual indifference.
Targeting the baby boomer generation
Sun, 20 Apr 2008 03:22:12 PDT
I've written about all sorts of interesting things on this blog, but never before have I written about something like this. In fact, I didn't even know they existed, but apparently a bath lift like this is in great with aging Baby Boomers. From a retail standpoint, all products and services targeted at this age group of consumers, especially things that make their life more comfortable, are sure
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